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LOOP offices
Our process

Adapt your focus to growth.

Learn more

LOOP.FORGE is a growth hacking consulting service which is made to identify and implement key growth levers in your existing digital landscape, to create a substantial and sustainable growth on 3 levels: acquisition, activation and retention.

The process
How does LOOP.FORGE work
Deep Dive
Ideas Backlog
Prioritization Framework
Define Test
Minimum Viable Experiment
Execute Tests
Execute, track, repeat!
1 — Analysis
In order to understand what makes you grow and which part of your product or digital strategy is keeping you from developing faster and steadier, we do a deep dive into your product and your data.
2 — Ideate
Once we have a full overview of your business, we create a list of scaled experiments to measure the potential growth levers.
3 — Rank
Using notation standards, we can prioritize each experiment, related to predicted impact and available resources.
4 — Define Test
We design and develop a minimum viable test for the highest ranked experiments, taking care of creativity, development and tracking setup.
5 — Execute Test
We finalize with execution to measure which test has the biggest potential for a larger implementation. Then we collect the main learnings and start a new iteration.


Quick website review for small businesses.
€ 1.800,-
  • 10+ ideas
  • 1 hour call
  • Prioritized recommendations based on your data
  • Result Call

Growth Consulting

Companies looking to start a Growth Hacking learning process.
€ 5.000,-
  • Tracking system review
  • Complete sales funnel analysis
  • Prioritized recommendations based on your data
  • Result Call

Growth Consulting & Execution

Companies who aim to reach continous and sustainable growth.
  • Dedicated Growth Team
  • Complete sales funnel analysis
  • Tailored tests (design & development)
  • Scalable process
When LOOP.FORGE helps you

Your product is a must, but you can’t find a way to expand your sales volume quick or steadily enough.

You are looking to scale your ROI while expanding your sales volume, or simply improve the current profitability.

You just have a new website/app and are looking to make sure that your funnel is optimised, from the first user contact to becoming advocate.

You have a large traffic base but do not understand why your users don’t buy.

If you are not sure if LOOP.FORGE is right for your current situation, feel free to contact us.