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LOOP offices
21 Jun '14

Awwwards Interview with LOOP

Michael John, CEO

Some members of our team were lucky enough to join the Awwwards LoveDays conference in Paris for a few days of inspiration and food for thought. We had the chance to share ideas and get to know many of the key people who are taking digital into the future and are responsible for some of the truly innovative and unique work out there today.

To top things off, LOOP was included in a series of interviews the team from Awwwards put together to get a glimpse into the way some of the top international agencies working at the forefront of web design view the future of the industry. Thanks Awwwards!  We’re already counting down until next year.

About Awwwards

Awwwards features the talent and effort of the best agencies in the world. Their mission is to discover, recognize, and promote the talent and effort of web designers, developers, and agencies who create unique digital experiences that are useful, innovative, intuitive, and beautiful.

Michael John

LOOP's CEO. Founded the agency at the age of nineteen. Digital advertising addicted. Creative. Sleepless. Entrepreneurial. Always looking for awesome ideas.