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LOOP offices
10 Jun '13

Must Reads! Volume 1

Michael John, CEO

Things you shouldn't have missed last month. Inspiring articles, great stuff from the world of digital advertising or just some food for thought.

Introducing the “Lean” Meeting

“Death by meeting” is a common complaint, the lament usually being one of frequency, length, or lack of productivity. Matthew E. May wrote a great article on 99u.com, introducing his lean meeting rules for a short but effective meeting culture.

Read this article on 99u.com

How I Work: IDEO’s Duane Bray On Creating Great Digital Experiences

Inspiring interview with Duane Bray from IDEO and his thoughts on agile development, how you too can gather great user insights, tips for prototyping digital projects with clients and why he still sketches interfaces out on paper.

Interview on smashingmagazine.com

Adobe Explores the Future of Responsive Digital Layout with National Geographic Content

National Geographic partnered with Adobe, sharing select content for Adobe’s use to experiment with digital layout. With that piece, Adobe has created a forward-looking vision of how readers will consume web content in the very near future.

More on blog.adobe.com

Astronaut comes home with $1.37 million phone bill

After five months in space, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield was shocked to discover his cell phone provider has charged him well over a million dollars for data usage and roaming charges while he was in space. “I only Instagrammed a few hundred pictures."

A vision on thebeaverton.com 

You are not Steve Jobs

A wake up call for CEO's by Erin Caton. Play nice, and build great things together with all of the talented people who are working so hard on your behalf.

Read article on medium.com

Michael John

LOOP's CEO. Founded the agency at the age of nineteen. Digital advertising addicted. Creative. Sleepless. Entrepreneurial. Always looking for awesome ideas.