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15 Nov '13

Must Reads! Volume 4

Michael John, CEO

Things you shouldn't have missed last month. Inspiring articles, great stuff from the world of digital advertising or just some food for thought.

"That’s not complexity, that’s complication." Good thoughts by Clay Parker Jones

As a culture we crave mystery. It’s a pretty simple idea, but one that gets overlooked with unnerving frequency: people want to figure things out. The problem most companies have is that it’s difficult to create natural-feeling, authentic complexity by packing more interesting details into their products and services.

A must read at exitcreative.net

The tangible web: Thoughts on designing websites for touchscreens

It’s probably safe to say that touchscreens as a method of interacting with the web aren’t going away. Touchscreens and the mobile web just made designers lives a lot more complicated, but it’ll be our creativity and ingenuity that sets the standards of the next generation of touchscreen and gesture-driven user interfaces.

Insightful article at inspiredm.com

Two basic strategies for digital innovation in marketing - "help me" or "entertain me"

Inspiring blog post by Nina Rieke, Strategy Director at DDB Tribal Germany, focusing on how brands can be useful -  in the broadest sense, as entertainment can be just as useful as any kind of helpful service.

Full blog post at iblogforbrands.blogspot.de

Why we must simplify the idea of big data

Are we getting ahead of ourselves by pushing constantly to understand reams of customer data when we are still behind on very basic purchase data? Companies must move towards organizing the quality from the quantity.

True words by Kyle Lacy at kylelacy.com

Michael John

LOOP's CEO. Founded the agency at the age of nineteen. Digital advertising addicted. Creative. Sleepless. Entrepreneurial. Always looking for awesome ideas.