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LOOP offices
20 Apr '14

Must Reads! Volume 5

Michael John, CEO

Things you shouldn't have missed last month. Inspiring articles, great stuff from the world of digital advertising or just some food for thought.

Smashing things is the new shape of media triumph

How do you break through with your brand in the digital age? Well, there's a new measure for social success emerging - smasthing things, crashing the app and breaking Twitter. The more brands strive to be remarkable and original, which is the key to creating content that spreads socially, the more apps, sites and platforms will falter under crowds.

Good article at adage.com

The resistance is waiting. Fight it. Ship.

Is it true that the more people work on something, the longer it takes? Why does time pressure and an urgent deadline allow you to get more done and sometimes improve the product itself? The resistance leads people to make suggestions that slow you down, suggestions that water down your idea, suggestions that lead to compromises.

Insightful article at 99u.com

Why designers should embrace strategy

Markets can change, products can change, people can change, but values should not change. When designing an identity with the intention to last, understanding the values that shape a company or a product help to inform the work they do. When it comes to branding and identity design, strategy and creativity are two sides of the same coin.

Full blog post at cctcreative.co.uk

A recipe for high end disruption

Most entrepreneurs still think that just because their technology is superior it will inevitably be widely adopted in the marketplace. But consumers don’t work like that. After all, technologies don’t dictate how they must be commercialized, managers do.

True words at responsive.org

What happened to the first 10 Apple employees?

Apple, unlike any other company in the world, has its identity tied to one individual: Steve Jobs. But, Jobs didn't do it alone. Here is a look at the first 10 employees at Apple, what they did and where they are today.

Full article at businessinsider.com

Michael John

LOOP's CEO. Founded the agency at the age of nineteen. Digital advertising addicted. Creative. Sleepless. Entrepreneurial. Always looking for awesome ideas.