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Grundig —
Nordic Sailing Cup Activation

Live Social Coverage

Wind. Rain. Sail. J/70 at full speed. Our social media and production team went on site in Oslo to capture the Grundig Sailing Cup. The result was moody, stormy, exciting live content. Despite the rainy conditions, we stuck to the end game of live content production throughout, capturing the awesome moments that happen no matter the conditions. So we put on our weather proof gear, wrapped up our RED cinema camera and went full steam ahead with our Facebook Live.

The Moment

Through live content, brands can leverage events for a much wider audience and tell the story for a longer period of time.

Real Time Storytelling

The Grundig Sailing Cup meant late night editing sessions, crazy weather, and incredible content produced live and on site. We also were able to capture and publish some seriously awesome product shots within the Grundig kitchen and product ranges on shore. Having one team on site, meant the brand got a full range of content at the end of the weekend. When we do live coverage this means more than fast turn arounds, plus a full live translation service into all languages within the Nordic regions.

Camera Team

With a full-scale camera team including a video and photography unit, the rocking boats and sideways rain only added to our coverage. Our photographers grabbed a life jacket and took to the water to capture some top quality action shots that stood out within the storytelling of Grundig Sailing Cup. We managed to get a wide range of video shots that meant very rich output and enough content to meet multi-channel needs.